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Endless Updates and more...

Wow, I honestly thought I'd be done with all the updates to my website, but as life has it, I have been swamped with multiple self induced tasks than expected.

"Edugie" got a bit of a revamp! The page background has been updated, as well as linking my photography page properly. Although, I initially wanted to wait until all updates were completed before republishing the site, I feel it is unrealistic of me, so I am publishing now.

Video Page: New videos and channels! The page has been reorganized to reflect the new channels and videos. A new video was also released under "I Make Weird Videos" project. It's called 2_2_ Wavelength and it lives up to the name!

The three new channels are Natureblend, Smoke and Echoes, and Videos Available For Download. All channels are related to abstract, transitional, and visual effect videos with soothing music. The videos for download are only if you wish to have it downloaded for background videos, stock footage etc. All songs are royalty free and the links will also be included. The other videos are also available via my Adobe stock profile

Photography: Both Art and Portrait are now available within the website. No more external link to view (yay!). I also uploaded some new art photos, so be sure to check it out. This will constantly be updated on a continuous basis.

*Art Store: I am also working on my art store which may feature photographs of Nature, Abstract, and Musical instruments for purchase. I am super excited about this!

Review Page: I am on the fence about reviews so the review page is currently on a break. A part of me loves making movie reviews but a major part of me is very busy with working on all the other creative prospects, that I fear it may take a while to jump back on this wagon.... I may revisit from a different perspective...I am picking keen interest on Nollywood movies and possibly opening the floor to contributors. Pondering on this for now.

In other news, I am happy to announce that I got accepted into Adobe Stock, Shutterstock, iStock, and Pond5 as a contributor! I have always thought about stock photography and footage, but decided to give it a go this year, so that's exciting!

I am so happy to have some new subscribers! I wasn't sure what to expect when I started this artistic platform, but I am constantly motivated to keep exploring. Thanks for joining and I promise to continue building my platform as need be.


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