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Rocky Peak II - The Summit


The Perfect Climb On A 🌞🌞 day!

After my first experience at Rocky, I did further research and discovered that the summit has a marker and a registry box. I found a not-so-clear description of how to get to the trail path, leading to the summit climb. I went a second time and unfortunately, I could not find the path. While up at the peak, I encountered my first view from the top, of fog overshadowing the city. It was magical!

I was used to seeing the fog from below, not above. Seeing the city get clouded before me was a moment I will forever cherish.

Anyway, I hiked my way down, disappointed and almost accepting the fact that I will never climb to the summit. I vented my frustration to a fellow hiker, climbed some rocks for fun, and then it happened! I had my second and most priceless fall. Luckily, It was a butt bruise with no scratches. I thanked my full coverup for the protectiveness. Just another reason I love covering every inch of my skin during my hikes.

Planning my third attempt, I pouted as I looked through several photos on Alltrail of hikers that made the summit. I took a break to nurse my butt bruise, flinching away at every deep massage with my Kwan Loong oil. Once done, I cursed silently as I resumed the photo torment of the summit marker. The more I saw the marker, the more intense my pout and the frown on my forehead. I snapped at myself, had a bottle of Kombucha, and decided I was going back and not coming home until I climbed that damn summit! If I made it to the top, I planned on munching on some Sahales because of victory!

Yup, with that in mind, I went to bed, got up early the next day, did my warmups, and set off for the climb.

I found the path.

I completed the climb.

I made it to the summit.

I took a photo of the summit marker.

I ate my Sahale.

Finding the path took a little bit of eye work but it was hiding around the rocks… The rocks I walked around the last two times of visit. The climb was narrow, steep, and exciting. I was a bit nervous and scared… Did I mention I am scared of heights? Ha! It is funny but I have always been scared of height and hiking is also a gateway to fighting said fear. I have been doing pretty good and plan to keep at it.

As I sat on the edge of the last rock at the top, a full rush of accomplishment overdrive engulfed me. I stared at the city of Simi Valley beneath, everything looked so little, beautiful, and colorful. It is always soothing in an inexplicable way, every time I find myself up high and looking at the city below. The strange feeling of peace and freedom is wonderful. It really is.

Despite the soreness and muscle tension from climbing and hiking, there is always a sense of relaxation that occurs, as I absorb the wonders of nature with my guard constantly on alert. How is it even possible to be alert and relaxed at the same time? I don’t know but it is just another wonderful discovery of what the human body is capable of. My body is a wonderland of discoveries.

The register box was locked and had some fun stickers on it. After chilling a bit within the rocks, it was time to head down. The climb down was incredibly steep, one wrong move, and oh boi! I used my butt, legs, arms, and walking stick to make it down successfully. I hiked back to the other peaks, had some water breaks, and finally decided to head home.

As I walked past the route to Hummingbird trail, I wondered about the trail path and the secret cave people talked about. I also ran into uncle Yun and told him about my victorious climb, we laughed happily about it. He was about to do his routine hike, we waved our goodbyes, and headed off in our various directions.

I drove down the 118 freeway feeling exhausted, sore, and absolutely fabulous. I made a stop at the Bargain Grocery Outlet in Simi Valley and got some celebratory snacks, as I entertained my mom on the phone about my climb. Upon getting home, I decided on my next journey... I am going to the secret cave.


© 2023 by Edugie. 

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