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December 22nd, 2021: A Birthday Message To Self.


An unapologetic love affair.

Well, Hello there! Guess it is your birthday again! You made it through this chapter and right into the next. Boy, was it a tough one… pretty messy too. It’s amazing how you prepped to tackle the prior chapter when you walked into it, on December 22nd, 2020. You thought you were all ready to rock the next, as nothing could top 2020, you were wrong.


You did it. You conquered it all, slowly but surely, you sexy, rockstar you! How did you manage to pull through the difficulties without a new wrinkle? (well, some dark circles popped up but fuck it!) I see you, I see you, soft cheeks! You are looking rather blooming this early morning. Jeez man, it’s 4:00 am, why the glow?! I fucking love you.

Did I mention how proud of you I am?! About a month ago, you set out with the goal of attempting a race on the trail. You really wanted to complete the race journey as a birthday gift to yourself. What a good way of passage… smart!

I remember your first training had you sweating and panting like a drenched rat, it was hilarious! We laughed our asses off on our way home, wondering how we were going to accomplish the 10k goal and hit a personal record of 1hr and 35 mins. Especially, after wrapping up the day at 2 hrs and 5 mins… Well, we found a realistic goal and you pulled through! You stayed focused, you stayed motivated, you were determined, and you fucking did it! You made it through training, onto the race, and finished at 1hr and 39 mins. Damn, lady! I am so incredibly proud of you, I could lick those pounded feet of yours!

Speaking of feet, you need to pamper yourself today. Get those babies soaked in a mask, massage those luscious legs of yours afterward, and throw on some fun colors! Don’t forget your hands too… you get too distracted sometimes.

Well shit! I could go on forever but I don’t think your head could take it. You got tested a lot this prior chapter and you almost lost faith in everything, including your instincts. Don’t ever do that again. It’s okay to miss a signal or two, and sometimes, the stars aren't as aligned as implied. Sometimes, the universe may just want you to experience the unexpected with no warnings. It sucks balls but you managed to make it out somehow… I mean, you are still healing and that’s fucking fantastic because I won’t have it any other way.

I love you, I am happy with the level of growth that happened this whole year, I am truly proud of your awakening. Welcome to the next chapter. We are going to walk into it gloriously, ready, and prepared to conquer all the challenges to be thrown our way. We can do this, We can do anything, absolutely anything we set our mind to…. Just as long as it is logical in some way.

Happy Birthday, you adorable, stubborn, gorgeous one with a heart of gold and melted ice. Raise a glass and have a fantastic birthday! Shayo! Shayo!


© 2023 by Edugie. 

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